Privacy Assurance

“,” our e-commerce platform, is steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding your privacy and providing the most efficient and secure online experience attainable. This Privacy Policy is applicable to the “” portal and presides over the collection and utilization of data. By accessing and utilizing the “” portal, you are expressly consenting to the data practices delineated in this declaration.

Collection of Your Personal Information

“” gathers personally identifiable information, encompassing your name, email address, residential or occupational address, and contact number. Furthermore, “” obtains non-personally identifiable demographic details, which may include your ZIP code, gender, age, preferences, interests, and favored selections.

Additionally, we record your IP address, browser classification, domain names, access timestamps, and referring website addresses. This information serves the purpose of administering our services, preserving service quality, and generating generic statistics pertaining to the usage of the “” website.

It is essential to bear in mind that if you voluntarily disclose personally identifiable information or sensitive personal data on public message boards within “,” such information may be collected and utilized by others.

Please note that “” does not access or read your private online communications.

In the event that you opt to establish connections to other websites from the “” platform, we strongly recommend reviewing their privacy policies to comprehend how those websites gather, employ, and share your data. “” bears no responsibility for the privacy statements or other content present on websites beyond the confines of the “” Portal.

Utilization of Your Personal Data

“” collects and employs your personal data to manage the operations of the “” website and provide the services you have specifically requested. Furthermore, your personally identifiable information is utilized by “” to inform you about other products and services we offer. Periodically, we may also contact you through surveys to gain insights into your opinions regarding our current services or potential new offerings.

It is important to note that “” does not engage in the sale, rental, or leasing of our customer lists to third parties. On occasion, we may initiate contact with you on behalf of external business partners to present specific offers that may be of benefit to you. However, in certain situations, your specific personally identifiable information (comprising your name, email, address, and phone number) is not disclosed to these third parties. Additionally, “” may exchange information with trusted partners for the purpose of facilitating statistical research, email communication, postal correspondence, customer service, or coordinating deliveries. All such third parties are contractually bound by confidentiality obligations, strictly prohibiting the use of your personal information for any purpose other than providing services to “”

Sensitive private data, such as details related to race, religion, or political affiliations, will not be utilized or shared by “” without your explicit consent.

“” diligently monitors the websites and pages frequented by our customers within the “” platform to discern popular areas and services. This information is employed to offer “” customers content and advertisements that align more closely with their interests based on their website usage patterns.

Your personal data will only be disclosed without your consent if “” is compelled to do so by legal obligations, regulatory mandates, or in good faith belief that such actions are necessary to:

  1. Comply with applicable laws or fulfill legal obligations.
  2. Safeguard and defend the rights or property of “”
  3. Take immediate action to protect the personal well-being of “” users or the general public.

Use of Cookies

The “” platform employs “cookies” to enhance your ability to personalize your online experience. A “cookie” is a diminutive text file that a web server, belonging to a specific domain, places on your hard drive. It’s important to note that cookies are not utilized for executing programs or delivering computer viruses. These cookies are designated exclusively to you and are accessible solely by a web server within the same domain that initially provided the cookie.

Cookies serve various functions, with a primary aim being the facilitation of time-saving features. Specifically, cookies inform the web server when you revisit a particular page. For instance, if you personalize pages on “” or register with the “” portal or services, a cookie aids in “’s” ability to recall your specific information during subsequent visits. This speeds up recording your personal details, including billing and shipping addresses. Consequently, when you return to the same “” website, you can conveniently access the personalized features since the data you previously provided can be retrieved.

It’s worth noting that you have the option to either consent to or decline cookies. While most web browsers are configured to automatically accept cookies, you possess the ability to modify your browser settings to reject them. However, it is important to be aware that rejecting cookies may limit your access to certain interactive features offered by the “” services and the websites you visit.

Security of Your Personal Information

“” places paramount importance on safeguarding your personal information against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Your personally identifiable information is securely stored on “” servers, situated within controlled and secure environments, thereby protecting it from illicit access, use, or disclosure. Notably, when personally identifiable information, such as credit card numbers, is transmitted to other websites, it is encrypted using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

“” complies with privacy laws and other relevant regulations, retaining personal data only for the duration necessary to provide services or as mandated by law. Anonymized data is retained for extended periods to facilitate research and statistical analysis. Subject to applicable laws, “” may securely dispose of Personal Data without prior notification to the data principal.

Changes in Policy

Modifications to this Privacy Policy may be implemented at any time by posting the revised Privacy Policy within the “Privacy Policy” section of the website. The updated Privacy Policy becomes effective as soon as it is made accessible on the website. Users are individually responsible for periodically reviewing the website and the Privacy Policy to stay informed of any alterations. Continued utilization of the website following the effectiveness of such modifications constitutes acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms outlined in the revised Privacy Policy.

Confidentiality Clause

“” commits to maintaining the confidentiality of data, information, and contractual terms (referred to as “Confidential Information”) and shall not disclose this information without the explicit consent of the other party. However, it is imperative to clarify that this provision does not extend to disclosures of Confidential Information made in compliance with court or government orders, disclosures made by “” in the execution of contractual obligations, or disclosures of Confidential Information independently received from third parties


“” retains the authority to impose restrictions on a User’s actions, inform other Users about said User’s actions, promptly suspend or terminate a User’s registration, whether temporarily or indefinitely, and/or decline the User’s access to the Website under the following circumstances:

  1. The User has breached this Agreement or any of the other documents referenced herein.
  2. “” lacks the means to verify or validate information provided by the User.
  3. “” reasonably believes that the User’s actions may infringe upon the rights of a third party, violate applicable laws, or potentially expose the User, other Users of the Website, and/or “” to legal liabilities.

“” reserves the discretion to reinstate suspended Users at its sole discretion. However, once a User has been permanently suspended, said User may not re-register with “,” attempt to register anew with “,” or utilize the website in any manner unless “” expressly reinstates the User. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, “” reserves the right to pursue any necessary actions, including the retrieval of outstanding amounts payable by the User to “,” in the event of a User’s violation of this Agreement or the referenced documents.

License and Proprietary Rights

Subject to the conditions stipulated in this Agreement, “” hereby grants the User the following limited, revocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, non-transferable, and non-assignable rights and licenses (collectively referred to as “Licenses”):

  1. A License to access, view, and utilize any portion of the Website, including, without limitation, any data or services offered on or through the Website, exclusively for personal, lawful use in accordance with the standard functionality of the Website.
  2. The authorization to establish a registered personal account, along with the associated Username and password, on the Website.
  3. Subject to this Agreement, a License to utilize any other features specifically made available by “” on or through the Website for User use.

The content of the Website, including all copyrights, trademarks, patents, service marks, and trade names, is the proprietary property of “” and/or its licensors and is protected by applicable Indian and international trademark and other intellectual property rights laws. The User expressly acknowledges, understands, and agrees that they do not possess any rights in or to the Website’s content or any part thereof, nor do they have any entitlement to assert such rights.

“” may provide the User with content, including but not limited to information, audio, photographs, graphics, videos, or other content through the Website. This content may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights and laws. The User is permitted to utilize this content solely as expressly authorized by “” and may not copy, transmit, or create derivative works from it without the express authorization of “”

The User further agrees not to upload, post, develop, share, or modify any content that is subject to the copyright or other intellectual property rights of a third party on or through the Website without obtaining the requisite permissions from the content owner. In cases where copyrighted or confidential content is published on or through the Website with the content owner’s consent, such content must prominently display the relevant copyright or other intellectual property notice. Unauthorized submission or sharing of content protected by intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights is prohibited and may result in personal liability or criminal charges for the User under applicable laws.

The User expressly agrees not to engage in any of the following unauthorized activities: copying, developing, replicating, streaming, collecting, accessing through technology or means other than those provided on the Website, performing, transmitting, selling, reselling, downloading, uploading, archiving, redistributing to others, editing, altering, manipulating, creating derivative works based on (including but not limited to mash-ups, montages, images, sound effects, e-cards, or other merchandise), publishing, republishing, sharing, disseminating to the public, linking to, or otherwise using or exploiting the Website or any part thereof. Unauthorized use as described above would constitute a breach of the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of “” and/or its licensing partners, including but not limited to other Users of the Website who have provided their own data. Such unauthorized use would also constitute a violation of this Agreement and may subject the User to civil and/or criminal liability under applicable laws.


No affiliation exists between “” and the User or any other individual, business, or entity. Neither party possesses the authority to enforce or act as the agent of the other party in any capacity, whether pursuant to this Agreement, the terms and conditions, notices, or information presented on the Website, or any other section or pages of the Website, including Linked Websites.


The User undertakes to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless “,” its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, third-party service providers, and any other entity providing services to “” in connection with the services, whether directly or indirectly. This indemnification pertains to any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, and expenses of any nature, including legal fees and associated settlements or judgments, as well as any interest accruing thereon. Such claims shall be asserted against the aforementioned parties in relation to the User’s use of the services.

Restriction of Usage and Access to the Website

Under specific circumstances and without prior notice, the User acknowledges and consents to the fact that “” may immediately restrict the User’s use of the Website and/or limit the User’s access to “” services. Reasons for such restrictions and/or limitations may include, but are not limited to, the User’s breach of this Agreement, requests from law enforcement or government agencies, and User-initiated requests.

Should the User disagree with any terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, express dissatisfaction with any “” service, or wish to revoke any previously granted consent, the User should promptly cease using the Website or any “” service and inform “” by sending an email address that has been registered. Upon receipt of communication from the User, “” reserves the right to impose restrictions or limitations on the User’s use of the Website, services, and software. The User shall have no claim to any unfinished tasks or pending messages upon implementation of such restrictions or limitations. Once the User’s use of or access to the Website has been restricted or blocked, the User may no longer have access to any data stored on the Website.

Force Majeure

“” shall not be held liable if it fails to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement or provide the services, in whole or in part, due to the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event. During the duration of a Force Majeure Event, the performance of obligations shall be suspended, slowed, or delayed, and “’s” commitments shall be placed on hold.

A “Force Majeure Event” refers to a situation that is beyond the reasonable control of a party, including but not limited to failures in communication systems, system breaches, natural disasters, fire, explosions, floods, acts of God, civil unrest, riots, insurrection, war, and governmental actions.

Data Retention

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was obtained or as required by law. However, we may retain information associated with you if we determine that it is necessary for compliance with legal obligations, protection of our legal rights, establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, or for reasons of significant public interest. We may also retain your information for research and analysis purposes after de-identifying it.

Queries Related to Privacy Policy

If you have any questions, concerns, or objections regarding the collection or usage of your personal information under this Privacy Policy, please contact us at 18001216216 or email us at [email protected].